We are In The Know West Africa.

Lack of knowledge is darker than night. - West African Proverb

Saturday 27 March 2010

Coming soon...

The ITK team have a bunch of things planned that we are looking forward to sharing with you. We'll be attending the shopping events Le Petit Marche and Fusion and have the scoop on those. We are looking forward to a couple of exhibitions and the Ituen Basi Trunk show and we'll be sharing those too.

So the Men don't think we've forgotten them, we will be posting in the Men's Lifestyle category just for them! Look out for posts on grooming, sporting facilities, fashion and more.

As you may have noticed, so far the focus has been on two West African countries but we are definitely going to change that to include the rest of our West African community. Look out for posts as well as additions to our Blog Love and Like it Link it... lists (on the right sidebar).

Also coming soon, a weekly Travel Money post with current exchange rates and other relevant money news.

Thanks for reading and Bonne Journee.

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